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Android App Development

KSH 50,000
12 Weeks

What You Will Learn

Hello there! You can either choose to take android development with Kotlin or with Java.


  • Kotlin foundational concepts such as datatypes, variables and type conversions
  • Kotlin operators
  • Control flow statements(conditional statements)
  • Loops in Kotlin
  • Kotlin functions
  • Kotlin OOP concepts such as constructors, objects, encapsulation and inheritance
  • Introduction to Android with Kotlin
  • Creating Your First Kotlin Android Application
  • Anatomy of an Android Application
  • Understanding Activities/Intents and Fragments
  • Displaying Notifications
  • Understanding the Components of a Screen
  • Introduction to Jetpack compose
  • Adapting to Display Orientation
  • Managing Changes to Screen Orientation
  • Using Picker Views
  • Using List Views to Display Long Lists
  • Understanding Specialized Fragments


  • Introduction to Java syntax
  • Understanding Java foundational concepts such as datatypes, variables and type conversions
  • Operators in Java
  • Java control flow statements
  • Loops in Java
  • Java OOP concepts such as constructors, objects ,encapsulation and inheritance
  • Introduction to Android with Java
  • Anatomy of an Android Application
  • Understanding Activities/Intents and Fragments
  • Displaying Notifications
  • Understanding the Components of a Screen
  • Creating screen layouts using XML
  • Adapting to Display Orientation
  • Managing Changes to Screen Orientation
  • Using Picker Views
  • Using List Views to Display Long Lists
  • Understanding Specialized Fragments

    Common in both Android development paths


      • Using Image Views to Display Pictures
      • Using Menus with Views
      • Some Additional Views

    Data Persistence

      • Saving and Loading User Preferences
      • Using ORMs
      • Persisting Data to Files
      • Creating and Using Databases

    Content Providers

      • Sharing Data in Android
      • Using a Content Provider
      • Creating Your Own Content Providers


      • Displaying Maps
      • Getting Location Data


      • Consuming Web Services Using HTTP
      • Using Retrofit
      • Consuming JSON Services


      • Service and an Activity
      • Binding Activities to Services
      • Understanding Threading

    Publishing Android Applications

      • Preparing for Publishing
      • Deploying APK Files

    We are looking forward to being part of your android development journey!

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